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  • Writer's pictureSavannah Reeves

Inner Provider

The archetype called The Inner Provider is the version of you who has your back, who loves you and wants to give you everything. Most likely you haven't had much connection with him. I say him because he is a masculine energy archetype.

His partner or something like that, is the inner child. He provides for the inner child. He says to the little child, a little girl in my case, "hey sweet baby, I love you so much and I will always love you and cherish you." This makes the little girl feel safe, and loved. In my case, once again, when I feel safe and loved, and good, my inner child has the permission she needs to play and be. And when she is playing and being, she is like the spring. She smiles and is pure love and pure joy.

So creating a connection with your inner provider is big in establishing safety in your being. When I tap into my Inner Provider, I can feel his presence in my lower back, in my root chakra. Because of my life experiences, I tend to "eject" myself out of my root chakra and feel unsafe and flighty. So reestablishing connection here is big. It's awesome and it feels good and safe in my body.

When I practice engaging with my Inner Provider, or masculine energies, one practical way that this happens is through complements. I hear or basically think thoughts of loving support. I give this provider space in my head to say all the loving things that he needs me to know and that my baby inner girl needs to hear.

I've also found in doing this work, that my inner baby girl is not well. She needs her "daddy". Right? She is like, oh fuck. Yeah, where have you been dude? I'm all sorts of fucked up over here, the trauma that I've been experiencing in real life has got me feeling... bad. And definitely not safe. Not to mention all the built up crap in my nervous system and body because of it. So yeah, inner masculine, provider man, please come and hold me. For God's sake, hold me and tell me everything is going to be okay and tell me that you will never leave me. I need you, I need you to feel safe otherwise I can't be here. I can't play as the symbolic springtime if it is not safe. And I need you to be my safety because I'm being "play/spring."

And the inner provider says, yes. Yes, yes a million times yes, I will never leave you and I will always hold your hand and I will always make sure that you are safe. That is my role and I will never stop doing it. I got you, baby girl. I love you, and I got you.


So, hopefully this brings you some enlightenment on your own inner energies. For more information on these specifics, you can reach out to me directly or look up Fiona McCoss. I was fortunate enough to learn and be able to have my own healing and learning experience with her.

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