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  • Writer's pictureSavannah Reeves

How I Handle Sadness

This last moon phase of mine (monthly bleed) was really hard on my emotions and mood. My hormones felt so low. I wasn’t able to rest my body and soul to the depth that she was craving and needing. I felt without my freedom of choice, to not go to work and to rest on the couch.

I am sorry body.. I love you. Thank you for making it through the difficult times last week when I didn’t meet all of your needs.

I felt disgust, depression, sadness and anger. I was easily irritated. I tried various methods to alleviate these emotions to “get out of sadness.” However, holding myself, accepting the emotions and loving myself through them was the best solution.

I bought myself chocolates and flowers for my desk at work and wore comfortable clothes but honestly, I had to just bide my time and wait for my natural hormones to rise again all while be present to the current sensations and allowing them to come and go.

During the worst of moments, I turned on Reiki music (from Youtube) and went into prayer. Asking God and Jesus to bring me peace and loving emotions. In the evenings in my bed I wrapped my arms around myself and self soothed. I spoke and thought gentle loving thoughts, calling onto the “Inner mother and father” to hold and love me.

As nature promises, and time passed, my levels balanced out and I am back to an easier state of mind. This is how I experienced the negative moments of my life.

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