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  • Writer's pictureSavannah Reeves

Everything Gets Done

Updated: Apr 11, 2023

Through experiencing and noticing my own life I've come to understand that in time, all things get done. All desires get made manifest.

The simplest example that is a reoccurring one in my life is how my home gets cleaned. You know that I am sensitive to energy. Some moments it's very hard for me to push through the energy of rest. When my body needs to lay down and not move, no matter how much my mind wants to get up, I simply will not. However, everything still gets done.

I see that my home is in need of cleaning. But my energy is absolutely not in alignment of taking this action just yet. So instead of forcing myself through, I wait. Sooner or later I have hydrated enough, consumed the right amount of food energy to get going. I notice a surge of inspiration and desire to vacuum. I am delighted to grab the dusting solution. All of a sudden I sit down and I just happily cleaned my entire home with seemingly no effort. Just ease.

This is living in alignment. The struggle is nonexistent. All things get done in right timing. The same thing goes for larger manifestations. All in due time. Your job is to trust the process of the Universe. Your job is to allow every energy without judgement. To rest without shame. To eat and find pleasure in social media without shame. To follow closely to your own energy and respect it.

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