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  • Writer's pictureSavannah Reeves

Deconditioning The Root Center

This post is about the study of Human Design Root Center, not the Chakra Center. However, they are connected in some ways.

In my human design deconditioning process, I mainly focused my attention on the not self theme of the open ego. The mantra to myself being, "Am I trying to prove something?" What a sense of divine or righteous (healthy) confidence I feel in my body when I am practicing deconditioning this not self theme.

This morning, while blow drying my hair, after listening to a Human design Mentor's podcast, (Amy Lea's "Unreasonable with Ame Lea"), my brain was putting pieces together. By the way, earlier she said to decondition, our soul needs awareness, not active practice, but awareness. My brain was coming to an awareness on the Root Center, mine is open. All of my centers are open except my throat and ajna.

The deconditioning mantra for the root center is "am I rushing to do something?" My case is a pressure to accomplish my goals and live my dream life. Which would be to have a big house in miami and a big house in wisconsin with two successful businesses and a love match with a husband. This was a constant self pressure that my mind would argue over how and when this can be reality. Parts of me trusted that it will be done, others of myself had zero inclination or desire to work on achieving that. Yet the pressure and desire to have it strummed through my body like an adrenal stress hormone, day and night.

But, what if I didn't have to rush to achieve. What if focusing on the timing isn't valuable or necessary. It certainly takes me out of the present moment, out of my open heart or connection to god and into the unending or undiscoverable parts of my brain searching to never find an answer.

I am eager to allow this question of the open root center to flow in me. I am happy that it inspired my blogging expression of the defined throat. Yay.

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